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Why StanFlix?
Checkout NetFlix, and my name happens to be Stan (a.k.a. Lirm).
What is StanFlix?
It's pretty much my collection of DVDs, listed on-line for my friends to check out. In case if you are the forementioned friend - feel free to look around and tell me if you'd like to borrow a movie you want to watch.
Another reason for existense of this web site - it is my testing ground for different web development techniques. This version finally uses real database - Postgress. I had a version in PHP, but it didn't work out - I kept adding features to this one script and it became a hairball. Now it's all SSI, Perl and CSS.
Oct 15, 2003
Moved the site to another host and moved database to MySQL.
Oct 16, 2003
Had to replace Perl with PHP because RackNine doesn't have Perl modules for MySQL installed. I'm furious... Started looking for a dedicated server provider that I could share with some of my friends.
Oct 29, 2003
Finaly have fully functional browser. Different than before, but it probably makes more sense now. All PHP *sob*. Added IMDB links a few days ago - took me 5 minutes to get functionality in, now it's just tedious adding all IDs. Will probably add Amazon.com links too. At least it has a very distant chance of making me a few cents.
What's the pricing plan?
Some people been bugging me with this question for a while now. Well. You can ask Jon Wotman. (Gotcha ;) )
What kind of movies I am likely to find here?
Some classic movies ('The Last Emperor', 'Driving Miss Daisy', etc), some musicals ('My Fair Lady', 'The Sound of Music'), decent (IMO) selection of anime (Rurouni Kenshin, NGE, Bubblegum Crisis and more).
There are quite a few 'cheesy classics' (like 'Sleepless In Seattle', 'French Kiss'). Several sci-fi movies: 'Matrix', '5th Element'. Few action: 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon', 'Heat', 'Hard Boiled'. I have most of Kurosawa's movies that have been released on DVD.

For those who are interested, here is the list of anime series I really like (and have):

Note: I've pretty much stopped buying movies. The reason being that I will not be able to buy every movie I want to watch anyway. I'm only planning on buying the movies I really liked and will want to watch again. So right now I mostly buy anime. In my opinion anime has, sort of, collectors value...

List of stuff I'm planning to get (NOT in the order of preference):

Not Anime

Last modified on Thursday, 05-Aug-2004 13:03:55 PDT

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